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2011, Vienna

Participants at the 2011 EACD plenary meeting held in Vienna, in the Austrian Parliament

View of the meeting room in Schloss Schönbrunn

Dr. Thomas Schiffert introduces the European Association of the Stove Fitter's Trade to the EACD

President of the Federal Council Mag. Susanne Neuwirth receives the EACD in the Parliament's Council Hall

Gabriella Csanádi, one of the great pioneers in the setting-up of a European Network for Stonemasons, is made an honorary member of the EACD
Lecture of the President Prigl

TR KR Franz Bamberger is named Honorary President of the EACD in recognition of his exceptional services to the organisation
Lecture of the President Prigl

Acceptance speech and appeal on the part of Franz Bamberger following his appointment as Honorary President

Professional premiere performance of the EACD hymn in the Austrian Parliament

The first act of the premiere performance of the EACD hymn in the Austrian Parliament building was a trumpet solo of the melody played by Willi Poisinger

Dr. Susanne Bachmann, the director, conducted a very impressive guided tour through the Parliament building, and, while showing us round the rooms, included plenty of information about the history of the Austrian Republic

A really impressive experience, both overall and in all details, was the exclusive viewing of the historic assembly hall, in which, for example, a House of Representatives was constituted in 1907 after a new electoral franchise became law

Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Wolfgang Zehetner, master cathedral builder, received his EACD friends in front of the Stephansdom for a guided tour

In the Stephansdom it was possible to see places which guests do not normally see

EACD counsellor Dr. Wolfgang Platter, the director of the Stilfser Joch National Park, not only expressed his congratulations in respect of the proceedings of the annual meeting - he also brought artistic picture calendars as presents for the individual members

As the EACD President stated, Breda Potočnik (right) from Slovenia and Tonči Vlahovič from Croatia are cornerstones of the EACD association

President of the Federal Council Mag. Susanne Neuwirth welcomes the EACD in the Austrian Parliament building

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