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Authorized Master of Craft


München 2014

A happy, relaxed atmosphere prevailed after the successful completion of the plenary meeting and the accompanying elections and everyone could finally enjoy the original occasion for the meeting: the celebratory distribution of the superb book published by publisher Callwey Verlag with the graduates of the second Best Practice Tour 2010 – 2012 by the EACD committee.

Bernhard Wolff, Master of the first Tour, shown here at left next to the young man in authentic costume with horn, had promised that the hymn of the EACD would be played at an EACD meeting in his home town in Bavaria.

“Michi” (Michael) Irlinger plays the EACD hymn on his flugelhorn at Munich City Hall with mellifluous style.

Susanne Kurz, vice president of the Austrian Federal Council and member of the advisory board of the EACD, the newly elected president of the EACD Marcial Lopez, honorary president KR TR Franz Bamberger as chairman of the EACD committee and EMC chairman Georg Obererlacher presented the first copies of the book fresh from the printer.

Mario Völlmin, (who was unanimously found to have turned in the best examination – which in no way diminished the outstanding performance of his colleagues)

Corry Kussendrager

Adi Moser

Bernhard Hasenöhrl

Daniel Müller

Aaron Knust

Group photo after the presentation of the author’s copies; afterwards the entire EACD group walked the short distance to a festive dinner to celebrate the wonderful conclusion of a successful tour properly.

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