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The building crafts have not only created great testimonies of cultural heritage by building cathedrals,
palaces and castles, but also modern buildings and other monuments which are an elementary potential
of the identity of people all over the world. Valuable artistic principles and skills of craftsmanship plus
the best possible quality of standards have to be preserved and fostered for the culture of today and for the
future in order to be able to complete these works.
It is essential to be aware of the significance and the obligation of this heritage and the responsibility of
the task for the future. The EACD wants to combine the proven and the useful matters and make use of new possibilities
within a European context.
Its members agree on unrestricted mutual acceptance among colleagues all over Europe of the work of others,
and the social and cultural significance of this work for each individual country with their own legal systems.
An additional common tie is the mutual striving for high standards in practical and academic training in the building crafts in Europe.
A MASTER OF CRAFT degree should be established all over Europe, an equivalent to the MASTER OF SCIENCE degree.
The EACD Association preserves and promotes valuable issues for today's culture and for the time to come.
It represents legal entities, usually in the field of building crafts and professions in the field of building culture
and the preservation of historical monuments. It also represents vocational training facilities, craft associations,
private associations, foundations and professional associations that have the same interests and matters of concern as the EACD
or represent related professions or similar disciplines.
The EACD does not have any commercial targets. Owing to its scientific character it promotes studies and research on professional
and sector-related problems and possibilities that are of common interest for its members. Owing to its pedagogical character,
the EACD fosters the publication of results of studies, issues for vocational and advanced training, recommendations
and statements as well as information and the exchange of information.
Statutes and formalities are according to the articles of association which were accepted in a resolution by the founding
assembly in Brussels on 08-10-2003.
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